Petrichor of Love

The Curse of a Lover

In the depths of sorrow\'s blackened shroud,

I bear a tale of anguish, bitter and true,

A heart once aglow, now wrapped in a cloud,

With each tear shed, a lament anew.


Oh, woman, once the beacon of my days,

How swiftly love turned to a haunting wail,

Your deceitful ways, like a tempest\'s blaze,

Unleashed a torrent that left my soul frail.


I loved you with a fervor, pure and bright,

My heart, an open vessel, poured for you,

But you, with treachery, plunged me into night,

A cruel betrayal that left my spirit askew.


Now I stand, alone, in the depths of despair,

Tears like liquid anguish, staining my face,

Memories taunt, like whispers in the air,

A love now lost, a tragic, mournful embrace.


And as these tears flow, like rivers of woe,

I invoke a curse upon your name,

May you weep, as I do, with agony in tow,

A reflection of the sorrow and shame.


May guilt pierce your heart like a thousand shards,

As mine bleeds, burdened with regret,

May your tears flow crimson, painting the cards,

A symbol of the wrongs you can\'t forget.


For in this abyss, where love\'s light fades,

I cast upon you a solemn decree,

May your world crumble, as mine cascades,

A testament to the pain you inflicted on me.


And so, farewell to love\'s forlorn game,

I bid adieu to the joy we once knew,

In this desolate state, forever I\'ll remain,

A man enshrouded by sorrow, forever true.