
Dogs vs humans

Cry, my beloved country

Where the mindset will rarely broaden

And the weak will remain trodden

Where the meek may not inherit the earth

Since of humanity there is a dearth


Where cruelty to animals is penalised

And those to humans brushed aside

Where stray animals are protected by law

And the crows can continue to caw..


Where man may live in fear

Since laws for his protection though clear

Are brushed aside with a sneer

And no one will notice the lone tear..


Our SPCA is so very strong

They don’t think wheat they’re doing is wrong

Is putting pets above humans fair?

For old and young this is a nightmare


Though for improvement there’s scope

We’ve almost given up hope

For the rights of stray dogs are clear

And none can, from them, veer


So while we folks live in fear

And from the canines’ pathway stay clear

The dogs will have their way

And always win the day..


So many cases of dog bites

And yet our hands are tied!!

Do human lives not matter ?

Has humanity really died????