Jeremy Leach

Summer meadow

Oh summer meadow, you are such a tonic to my mind

Your flowers a gentle shower of bright colours, against the dense, lush greens and browns  

Tucked away and out of sight, far from man\'s noisy cities and towns

The warm breeze softly caresses the leaves and stems that you spell-bind  


I lay down amongst the dried grasses, and see a drifting butterfly   

Studying the beauty, the symmetric strikingly-designed patterns, of such an exquisite thing

Whilst birds busy with their broods, and with the season’s joy of life, boldly and gloriously sing

I smell the rich fragrance of summer, and wonder, as I gaze at the hazy white-on-deep-blue sky


Matters of my heart will be remembered, wrapped here in natures gown

Her graceful body mysteriously moves and soothes,  as if to caress me, her newfound lover

Here where the lust for life is ripe, and profoundly right, I suckle deeply and satisfyingly from her  

As if in a dream, and with an enlightenment seen,  I open my eyes again to this paradise I’ve found


I take a final look back as I walk towards the lichen-covered, almost hidden, gate

To this simple place, at peace and far away from the perpetual race of man’s infatuation

That strangely and curiously talks to me, and deeply-sates my desires and inner passions

I walk off, somehow knowing that my life has changed, and that I know the hour is getting late