
Pulchritudinous independence day 2023

Utter brainless nincompoop
in this poem heretofore addressing
I wanna be forever free
and clear from mortal anguish,
and need more than a blessing -
I need a miracle worker after confessing
behavior causing depressing
wretched state of mind
self incriminating admission expressing
emptying out checking

and savings accounts.

Gross negligence fomented morass
of monetary hemorrhage,
thus yours truly speculating
imagining peaceful easy feeling
after quaffing hemlock beverage
(considerably less expensive
than trained masseuse
administering head to toe effleurage)
the former painless demise
popularized courtesy Socrates
whereby Athenian democracy
charged said philosopher

with impiety and corrupting
the youth of Athens
unlike him I feel mental,
physical, and spiritual states
devastated, jackknifed, and shattered
into a million little pieces,
hence appealing notion shucking off
western civilization equipage,
and concomitant linkedin
corporeal defrauded earthling
and author of these words.

The importance of money
or lack thereof smarts,
especially when series
of unfortunate events
even Lemony Snicket,
would be flabbergasted
at such blatant and flagrant stupidity

exhibited courtesy yours truly.


Herr dummkopf did not function
with one iota of his brain
case in point entire
financial cushion he did drain
anonymous, barbarous, egregious,
ferocious, iniquitous jerks

re: cyber crooks enriched their coffers

in previous poems I did explain
how yours truly got sucker punched

to surrender substantial capital
subsequently severe depression

washes over me like floodplain
after a major hurricane

thus another shout out,

though I feel quite insane

to drum up buffer (in) zone

excedrin also sought
to bring temporary relief

far fetched likelihood in dough main

despite moon shot

to witness philanthropic boost,

I keep praying Meg Found
will pull thru and ordain
(fiasco from fraudster frazzles father)

one ordinarily perspicacious primate

who financially doth strain.