
I am a seenager in C Bay

I am a senior in Crescent Bay

I thought I’d have a serene stay

Having retired from job and strife

I was all set up to enjoy my life


For the first few months all was fine

Things were slowly falling in line

I felt it to be a wonderful sign

That I did not have to sit and pine


Fate as usual, laughed long and loud

‘Wait’ – it said, don’t be proud

For I have some aces up my sleeve

Which may just make you want to leave


‘hah’ I scoffed , I’m here to rest

For life is serene, and the very best

Family and friends have come to stay

And all have just loved Crescent Bay


2019 went past in glory

Having narrated a happy story

We had our fill of luck in plenty

And then we ushered in 2020


The start of the year was very nice

Though in the dry area we saw some mice

But closing all vents helped us out

From facing these rodents bold and stout.


How could I even begin to know

What challenges Fate at me would throw

When I spent the first two months traveling around

I didn’t know yet I would soon be house-bound


I met my family

I met my friends

I did some shopping

Of the latest trends


Then came March, and things slowed down

Our early smiles turned to late frowns

We clapped in unison, and rang a bell

To send an oncoming pandemic straight back to Hell


We were all unaware of what was in store

We didn’t know yet we’d be shaken to the core

We were not aware we’d be tied up to our home

And nowhere, could we now, freely ever roam



We had to wash vessels

We had to mop the floor

Cleaning up the home

Shook us to the core


All those who were in , ould not go out

They could only scream or pout

And those that were out could not come in

So We had to swab the floors, and clean the dustbin


We had to stay together

And work from our house

We had to learn how

To help and aid our spouse


The months took a toll

In each and every way

There were a few casualties

Even in Crescent Bay


But we waited in hope

For things to settle down

For it was quite useless

To scowl and to frown



We learnt to chat on zoom

We made whatsapp calls

We grew much closer

To friends one and all


Family time was precious

A lesson was now learnt

Survival was the motto

Cos fingers had been burnt


The latest problem now on the block

Is that of the stray roaming dog

Parents are worried, seniors are all tense

Some trade insults, some sit on the fence


I am now scared to even take a walk

For I may be bitten by a very rabid dog

With eyes keen and sharp as a hawk

I look out for strays even as I talk


The law protects strays

But what about me

For I am tied again

While strays roam free


So though life is pleasant

When I am in my home

My nerves start tingling

As I see the strays roam


I hope that peace will once again reign

I pray that soon we are relieved of this strain

I am sure better sense will prevail soon now

As we find home for stray dogs and cows


The law of the land

Should Protect one and all

But for a stray animal

A human should not fall


With fingers crossed

I am hoping for the best

May we all find

Some well-earned peace and rest