The ever-cherishing...
View of the panoramic blue hills
The melodious tone of a Thrush
A glimpse of a distant horizon
The sight of clouds kissing the sky.
The Panache of...
Lovers weaving the dream web
The demanding depths of a mountain-pass
The luxuriant foliage
The sparkly stars in the pitch-black skies
The sharpest gaze at the infinite.
It is a desire...
To descend the hours of hardship
To sightsee a palmy garden
To feel the caressing north wind afar
To recreate the defunct fauna and flora
To sense the aroma of Bethlehem Lily.
Must care take ...
The emotions swinging in the sky canoe.
To mouth shut the gamut of harsh words
To augment the woe of parted love
To fill the voids with the right choice and
To put off rage, a forest fire in action!
Exquisite is...
The unheard song from the unknown
The illusion is craving for an Oasis.
The reality, time plunging into an hourglass.
Afar, a new beginning undoes.
The sunrise, twilight and nightfall, the viewers!