Ethan Mikel StAmour

\"Crimson Symphony: A Ode to the Red Sunset\"

In hues of fire, the sun descends,

Casting its red glow, the day transcends.

A celestial artist\'s brush it wields,

Painting the sky as the world yields.


Behold! The red sunset\'s grand display,

A captivating scene that takes breath away.

A tapestry of crimson, gold, and rose,

A masterpiece that nature sweetly bestows.


As shadows lengthen, the horizon ablaze,

The sun\'s last embrace before the twilight haze.

A symphony of colors, a cosmic delight,

Filling the heavens, banishing the night.


Silhouettes dance against the glowing sky,

Birds soaring, bidding the sun goodbye.

The world beneath bathed in scarlet light,

As day meets dusk, merging in perfect sight.


Whispers of wind carry the sun\'s final kiss,

A tender touch, a fleeting moment of bliss.

The Earth, a canvas, in crimson hues dressed,

Nature\'s love story, eternally impressed.


With each passing second, the spectacle wanes,

The sun\'s farewell, a melancholy refrain.

Yet in memories, the red sunset shall endure,

A timeless beauty, forever pure.


So let us bask in the splendor\'s embrace,

Marvel at the red sunset\'s celestial grace.

For as the day\'s end ignites the skies\' birth,

We find solace in nature\'s awe-inspiring worth.