I am alone in the dark sky , nobody is with me to keep me safe There\'s heavy air bloom with unsafe sound no body is around me to listen the words .clouds are darker than early before , there\'s no light at the city below.
I haven\'t see anybody to come for me save me ,from this dark night to the city bright . I am alone in the dark sky , there\'s no light at City below my sight .
This night steal the words to say , happy life which can make us prevent to cry, there\'s no word to say sunlight at the sky because these are covered with monster light . There\'s no light to prevent us to cry , city walls is covered with haunted sky how can these prevent us to cry.
I am alone in the dark sky there\'s no light at the city below my sight.
The heavy rain called the shore to fly,this side by the end of the night . there\'s lighting cover all over the sky ,forcing the clouds collapsed and going down .
I am flying between the clouds , looking for someone to save me from this haunted time .
I am alone in night darker than the light of sun ,leaving behind the flash of daylight.
Why this darker time come in life ,leaving behind happiness to the saddest sky , leaving people\'s feelings and come in late night scaring them and forcing to feeling alone .
The same thing happens with goals in life making people\'s stay away from happy time ,forcing them to go on and not any word why I am alone in this long run .
I am alone in this night sky leaving people\'s love and forcing me to sad for while .
Can someone save me from this dark night,to the city shining bright.