Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu

The Taker, The Giver and The Problem

  It\'s all about give and take

         Maybe give and take-out


          The Taker

You give wanting something back

You offer because they is a return

There is a gain

A goal to be achieved


And receive from the other

But you not only take from whoever gives

You rip out a part of them

A piece they can\'t get back


Because they offered it

You didn\'t ask 

But they gave

They offered


            The Giver


You don\'t take, you give

Not just give, you offer

You offer even with the knowledge…

That it\'s a hoax

It may never come back 


You offer your heart, it gets shattered

You offer your trust, it gets broken

You offer your soul, it gets trampled

You offer your body, it gets battered


At a point you have nothing else to offer

You throw caution to the wind

Live life as you want

But then you remember

You need someone…


Someone to hold

Someone to touch

Someone to love

Someone to laugh with

Someone to smile at

Someone to call your own


You start again


You offer your heart, it gets shattered

You offer your trust, it gets broken

You offer your soul, it gets trampled

You offer your body, it gets battered


You get hurt, you heal

You cry, you wipe your tears

You scream, you appease your anger

You beg, you get comfort


You say you\'ll give up

But can you really?


Can you sleep with no one to hold?

Can you eat with no one to talk to?

Can you live with no one to smile to?

Can you laugh with no one to laugh back?


You say it\'ll be okay

Thay you\'ll do fine on your own

But humans…it\'s a habit

You still go back…


You offer your heart, it gets shattered

You offer your trust, it gets broken

You offer your soul, it gets trampled

You offer your body, it gets battered


         The Problem



You want it, you demand for it

You need it, you go for it

Once you get it, the thrill dies

It\'s not what you expected

You leave


It\'s a habit we can\'t fix

A game we keep playing

A horror we enjoy

A sorrow we brace

And a death we welcome.




We threw that off the roof


It\'s just for show


It\'s just a word


It\'s just a facade


These are just masks


We just welcome day and night


It\'s all part of the cycle.