Mason Vollman

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God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; taking this world as it is and not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your Will. Amen.
The weight of the world lays flat on His back. 
The rigid old Cross like a hat on a rack,
Pray He keeps us together like a lovely little flock. 
Pray He keeps our love as strong as a rock,
Pray He keeps our hatred as thin as a thought,
Pray you lock up our pain, forever to rot.
Pray we know you are God and that\'s the end of the talk.
And with you in our Lives, we\'re Forever
to walk.
M.C. Vollman ©Copyright 2023