Have we

Have we any idea what humans can achieve?

Have we moved our gaze beyond the lust that saturates our needs?

Have we pondered who we really are and why we have it all?

Have we thought about reality and if it\'s real at all?

Have we wondered if we are player\'s in some strange game...

Where the winners are the losers when the victims get the blame. 

Or do we just accept their facts and get caught up in the race...

Human potential is infinite. No AI could understand. 

We are Spirit, Soul and Body, 

Perfectly planned...

To nurture the earth,  with thanksgiving and with a loving hand...

To provide God with pleasure as we answer His commands. 

To bring God a harvest that was our hire.

But the fruits rotten!

Needs a fire.

Evil taken hold 

Sprouting lust

And greed...

We bitch and moan

Fight and scrap 

Lie behind each other\'s back 

Cheat on our wifes 

Kick the dog

Rob the widow 

And play with our nob.

What a joke we all must be..

A withered branch 

From a mighty tree. 

God saw what was going on...

No on left!

Sent His Son.


Torn look

Find out who

You are to me...

Not some fluesy 

Not some punk. 

But a kindred Spirit 

Of Almighty God. 

A grafted branch 

On the Ancient Vine. 

Nourishment for earth, 

That is our design. 



Battle is here 


Have no
