

My emotions are a colossal catastrophe,

nothing but hopelessness at my minds own barbarity. 


My mind, imagine the ocean, 

it\'s akin to my own emotion. 


Surrounded by the vast dark sea, 

trapped with nowhere to flea.


My mind rarely breaks above the surface, 

my lungs barely know their purpose. 


Its dark and suffocating,

my mind desolate yet raging. 


My limbs feel heavy, 

my strength unsteady. 


I\'m beginning to falter, 

my rage, my anger, resembling the water. 


The grief, the sorrow,

correspondent to the depth. 


I cause my own emotional slaughter. 

I bring my own spiritual death. 

I lay my mind on the sacrificial altar. 

I succumb to the conclusion of my minds own illusion. 

I sink into the depths in my minds own physcological warfare.