

Why is it that I don\'t feel anything?

Why do I feel so numb?

People talk bout the saddest things

People around me cry

But I\'m immune to that

I don\'t cry

I don\'t seem sad

I\'m just staring into whatever\'s close

And I just have a blank expression

The thing is I do feel things

But there is so much going on in my mind

There are a lot of hidden feelings

And that is, in part, what makes me numb

Cus I don\'t know what to feel

I\'m all over the place

And it\'s frustrating

Cus when I want to cry I just can\'t

But when I don\'t, tears just roll down my cheeks

It makes me mad to think that I can\'t control what I feel

Cus I can\'t suddenly be vulnerable in front of people

I can\'t be vulnerable when others require me to be strong

I just can\'t

But I still prefer to have a blank expression on my face than to show everyone how I truly feel