Reflections Corporate Training Hub

Majestic Mountains

Amidst the black hills, a white abode gleams,

A glimpse of heaven, or so it seems,

The majestic mountains, standing tall and proud,

With frozen rivers, forming nature\'s shroud.


A \'Y\' shaped masterpiece, the rivers create,

Flowing through valleys, where dreams elate,

In the last village, Rughi, the road meets its end,

But the beauty of the mountains, it transcends.


An eagle soars, with steady wings unfurled,

Finding solace, in a world apart from the world,

Embracing solitude, the mountains sing,

Their peaks and valleys, an eternal spring.


A Ganpati mountain, they all claimed to see,

But its true essence, eluded even me,

For it\'s not in rushing, that beauty is found,

But in feeling deeply, in nature\'s profound.


Table-top lands, with houses close and dear,

A harmonious blend, of land and atmosphere,

And in a stunning display, burnt sienna and black,

Rocks reaching the sky, never to lack.


My favorite spot, where I yearned to descend,

But the driver warned, there was no path to mend,

Yet deep within, a joyous truth unfurled,

For untouched by humans, nature\'s purity was preserved.


Cameras captured the rawness, the essence so pure,

In our minds, these sights would forever endure,

As we bid farewell, with hearts touched and stirred,

Knowing we had embarked on a journey never to be blurred.


The marvellous mountains, a symphony of grace,

A testament to nature\'s enduring embrace,

Forever imprinted, in our souls they reside,

A reminder of a world where wonders reside.