Sassy Lou

Exit, Stage Left

Two years ago today -

You told me you loved me for the first time 

A tear slowly fell down my cheek 

Finally,  able to hear you say those three little but enormous words 

Little did I know -

That was just the start of many untruths told 

Then blinded by the love I had for you -

Put up with way more than any one soul should 

Good times, great times, bad times & definitely worse times to come

Still wanting & loving only you

Thinking no other could compete compare or take your place in my heart 

Act 2 of your outlandish scheme to begin your new scene 

All the hurt, pain & tears you brought forth to me through the years -

Undeniably without a doubt more than I wanted to endure 

Yet, still standing by your side -

Wanting always & forever just you!

Minutes, days ,months & year n 1/2 pass by -

Slowly, my eyes begin to open wide 

Grasping, taking in & hearing the lies slithering off your tongue 

Act 3 & 4 -

Still playing with my emotions, heart & mind 

Hats off & standing ovation to you 

Intermission has come -

Time for me to take center stage 

Calling you out on your lies, craziness & abusive ways 

No longer having control of me -

Or able to trip from the tongue 

Just to keep me hanging on 

In conclusion,  I was starting to relinquish the feelings I had 

Hard as it was to push through -

Settling never again & tolerating all the nonsense & insanity you brought forth 

Me time has arrived & the season of me is here 

Juncture of getting what I deserve has veneered 

Moment has come & I was done... done!

Able to whole heartedly let you go out of my life 

Not a single tear to stream down my face over you -

Didn\'t turn around or look in the rear view mirror 

At serene with my decision 

Have that fresh new start for me