

What\'s wrong with me

My chasm widens

My chest constricts

Is it loneliness or..?


I hate people.

My right side is empty

I still hate people


The dark eyes rove, they see 

See something

See me. See me.

Is it crazy? 

No it\'s not. It\'s not crazy


Humans are precious scum.

See me, yeah, see me.

Oh yeah.

The left side wriggles quietly

He is restless.


\"Meek, timid, lazy\"

Yes, I agree. Yes, I say

See me, see me


The wriggling intensifies

\"Aloof, confident, hard working\"

She says. I nod

Yes, I agree. Yes, I say

See me, see me


Oh I am tired

The dark night covers the sky

Amidst the numerous stars blazes the sun.

It blinds me and calms me gently

What is so wrong with me?


Nothing. It\'s just fine. 

I am the crazy woman 

The intelligent girl.

Crazy but blame me


It echoes it doesn\'t go

I strech these lines I have nothing

To pour, I have more


He says I don\'t

No, I don\'t. I do

\"It is not\" he says

\"They gonna come for you\"

They disdain, they... 


Can\'t see me. 

They see me. You see me. You see 

This verse flowing

And think \"Is she insane\"


I assure you I most certainly am not

I love people, I really do

The red of my love drips

Staining the pure white tiles

Love bites, my knife is sharp

But my love is red. It\'s red. 


Vermin don\'t deserve to breathe 

I love people. I really love people

I clean them.

Death accompanies love

I see them in their unmoving eyes


They laugh. They mock.

Their face contorted with a laugh

As they cool rapidly. Unmoving.

Our red love flows a river.

Fish of pain born in it, runs it\'s course.

I really love people.


I am rambling

My tiles are still white I swear

I hate people

I hate people

I still hate people


\"You are useless\"

He says \"Put them down. All are enemies\"

Carry yourself

\"you are superior\"

Yes, I am. I say I am.

The grass crunches under my feet.


\"Let it go\" she says

\"It\'s time to sleep. Sweet night\"

Shamelessly I need sleep too.

I agree yes I agree


Men can\'t serve two masters

I serve two monsters

My heart hardens. The chasm stops for

A second, I no longer hear them

In my deck I see their tiny specks


As my monsters order me again 

I rise and fall

Rise and fall

Rise and fall

Until I am the wave I carry and drown


Do it

You can\'t, do it 

You can\'t. Don\'t do

You can, don\'t do. 


Am I insane? Look at me

See me, am I insane?

Yes I am not.