
Observations in a carpeted pub

Carpeted pubs, pubs with carpets 

psychedelic viewing but sticky underfoot 

beer mats, fosters for the thirsty

damp elbows, patches not out of place in Chelsea 

‘please sanitise your hands’ the bottle’s empty though 

opposite the hospital, hospital workers lunchtime drinks


Seemingly no relatives of residents,

drowning sorrows nor celebrating good health 

regulars are chirpy and polite, well known to the staff 

sport is on tv, nobody is watching, decent background noise though 

dumb waiter sends some plastic forks, nurse is having a takeaway pad Thai 

“Delivery mate! Please sign for the mini cheddars”

’No smoking it is against the law to smoke on these premises’ 

In days and decades gone by these carpets have definitely had ash flicked on them