Jeremy Leach

I had you down for a twat

I had you down for a twat, but you’re pretty alright you

You’re not as thick as I thought, and not so dopey too

You can be so f’ing stupid, and it really gets on my nerves

But you did let me keep that fifty, true to your word


And you can irritate the hell out of me, going on and on

I thought you were a right annoying c*nt, but maybe I was wrong

Always yapping away to me about something, like you’ve been trying to get closer

But I guess I can let you off,  living gratis on your sofa


Remember my last birthday when you got me that wrong cake?

So you had to get another one too, even though it was too late?

You can be so bloody thoughtless, you’ve got to admit to that

But despite all your faults , I did get you wrong - you’re not so much of a twat.