
The Wrath of Time

Can you please not leave me?

All my life, I fear

The moment that I’m alone

Nothing is forever here

I see everything go astray

If all of my ropes do tear 

Wherever will I go?

Should I lose everything I never had

How would I stop myself from falling 

Alongside my joy, without a warning

How to suppress my rivers of tears

My howls, my screams

How shall I erase the hurt 

I cry, I cry what can I do 

But watch as I’m drained

I raise a finger, nothing changes

Day and night are in a race

Time keeps running, gaining pace

It doesn’t stop for me who struggles

It ignores that I try to hold it in place

It doesn’t stop for me who falls

It doesn’t mourn whoever dies

It doesn’t halt when I’m suffering from invisible scars

Splinters of glass pierce all my weak spots

Don’t go 

I beg for help but you keep running

I fall to my knees behind your back

You don’t turn around, as my vision goes black

Blood starts dripping from my aching body

As I fall over once again 

Lie in a pool of soaking red

You disappear behind the clouds, the mountains, the stars and the pain

As even my blood to leave me desires

I follow your lost traces to places beyond my sight

A single sound escapes my lips

A breath, shared with nothing but cold air

As even the air around me refuses

To oblige

A plea that to a cry swells

A cry that grows violent as a scream

A scream that converts into me

That tails me wherever I go

My heart and mind and soul it fills

The only memory of your departure

The only cut unable to scar

Time, you heal any wound

Except the one you bestow

If time’s the foe 

The dagger slicing your skin

What will then console you?


It keeps my wound fresh

Doesn’t heal me, but pours salt every now and then, on each slash
