
I like my collection of Pens


                               I am very fond of Pens and ball pens

                               pens of all varieties from old fountain pens

                               of yester years to the sophisticated ball pens

                              of the present day world and I keep them 

                              in numbers I know not nor care to note 

                              and my collection includes the oldest models

                              of  such brands as Swans, Parker, Waterman and Scheaffer 

                             some with genuine nibs of pure gold and platinum 


                             I used to think sometime why have gone so crazy

                             collecting pens as souvenirs of all things on Earth

                            but then that\'s what I am ....Is it some sort of greediness

                            I know not  after all you need is only one pen to write with 

                           \'  Possessive\' , you may call me Yes I agree

                            but aren\'t there people to possess cars

                            crazy to have a fleet of them old and new

                           all in good condition and road worthy ?

                           And haven\'t you heard of Kings and Lords

                           of the bygone days of history who 

                           had had \'harems\' in their palaces of 

                           some of the most beautiful women 

                          from all parts of the planet Earth ?

                          maintaining these harems as their precious treasures !

                          Men are crazy in the way they live and their hobbies 


                         Men are \'fallen angels\' in the grip of 

                        monstrous sharks of Greed and desires 

                        and remain therefore too possessive

                       and take it from me the day they decide

                       to abandon these - greed and desire

                      and begin to think, \'who they are and what they are\'

                      that day is the dawn of their \'self-realization\'

                     which is the elixir to cure man of his bondage with mundane 

                     things and to lead him to the heaven of spiritual bliss.