Mara \"Marzipan\"

A Writer\'s Heart

Building lands, lives, loves, with words, from the bottom up.
Crafting hierarchies, creatures, laws and sins,
spinning worlds, oceans, rain and wind.

Beings wild, loyal, devious, strong and weak,
righteous, loving, demure, naïve and meek,
all different, unique, in features, personalities,
showing the duality of their complexities.

Some may use humor to win over hearts,
others don\'t care if emotions ever start,
those that give all, loving to their last breath,
while some covet riches, all the best.

One thing that every character seems to carry,
is a piece from my life, a fancy, habit, a bit of me,
my dreams, my desires, who I yearn to be.

Diving deep into this imagined reality,
immersed, until the story ends and sadly,
it feels like I just buried a part of me.