
Behind My Pillow

My world is peace

My world is harmony

My world is growth

My world is joy

My world is love

My world is the future

My world is my dream.


Freedom comes after

You find what enslaved you.

In a realm of no pain 

Only inner peace 

That clover around your imagination


Back to present

Stained mud imitates blood

Role play is left 

Unattended to, TV\'s no

Longer have a function 

The movie is right in front of your pupil

For now the apocalypse

Has not yet come.


Back to my pillow

In nights of after 

Struggled days, you only

Hope that one day

All these castles built

In mind would come to life.

Do they?


That\'s why I prefer

Sleep over trauma

Some think I\'m living in pain

But actually the world is pain


Why have the inappropriate

Suddenly become appropriate?

Nudity and profanity is now 

Established as the go to standard to rate 

Someone in their relationships.


This world, this place needs cure

I don\'t have such cure

Neither do I possess such will.

We\'ve come to accept human as upper class species

Not me. I\'m not buying that.

They world we live in

Polluted by same humans and

Same humans preach environmental protection.

Such irony. I smile but not for long.


In the phase of hard times

Sleep is my only comforter

Politics now dive into religion

Funny enough the 

Cards are in the hands of the politicians

Not we the citizens.


Many ways to kill a soul is to put them

In a world they where by mindset

They think they are different

But in reality it\'s just boundaries

That\'s making such nuisance.


Now back to my pillow.