
Waiting, Trusting, Hoping

Tune: University College

(\'Of in danger, oft in owe\')

Psalm 130


Out of depths have I cried to

You, O Lord, hear my voice, do

Let your ears be attentive

To my prayers, so I shall live


If you, Lord, should records keep

Of our sins, how shall your sheep

Stand? But with you sure there be

Forgiveness, so you feared, see


I wait for the Lord, my soul

Does wait, His word I extol

In it I hope, and I wait

For the Lord, He be not late


Let Israel in the Lord here

Hope in Him, He shall appear

For with Him there is mercy

And redemption in plenty


He shall redeem Israel

From their sins, and all shall tell

Of his help, His comfort strong

To sustain us day, night long