Ethan Mikel StAmour

Azure Dawn

In a world beyond the ordinary view

Where colors blend in a unique hue

There lies a scene, both rare and true

Blue sun in the pink mist, a sight to pursue


Amidst the morning\'s gentle rise

A sun of cobalt takes to the skies

Casting its radiance, a vibrant surprise

Bathing the landscape with azure dyes


The mist, like cotton candy, soft and light

Wraps the scene, a pastel delight 

Blushing pink, a tender sight 

Creating a canvas, harmoniously bright


No magic spells or ethereal charms 

Just nature\'s wonder in open arms 

The sun and mist, two elements in harms 

Blending their essence, like a gentle psalm


The blue sun\'s glow, cool and serene 

Illuminating the world with a tranquil sheen 

A captivating vision, serene and clean 

A touch of uniqueness, an enchanting scene


No need for whispers or cosmic tales 

Just nature\'s beauty, without any veils 

Where the blue sun in the pink mist sails

A moment of wonder that eternally prevails