
Serenity In The Woods


Amongst the emerald canopy of the trees, she continued to wander

Embracing nature’s beauty, her heart grows fonder

The gentle sound of the stream’s flowing melody

Accompanied her steps, creating a harmonious symphony.


As she walked, the sunlight danced through the leaves

Creating patterns of gold on the forest floor like a tapestry

She twirled with joy, her umbrella held high

A burst of colours against the clear blue sky.


With each step, her spirit soared high

A symphony of nature, her hearts lullaby

The rhythm of the stream

A soothing beat guides her along in her tranquil retreat


With each step, her worries seemed to fade

 In this serene haven, a peaceful escapade

 No judgments or expectations to bear

She could simply be herself, without a care


The girl\'s voice echoed through the trees

Her favourite song resonating with the breeze

 She sang of love, of hope, and of dreams

 A melody so sweet, it carried downstream

Each note mingled with the rustling leaves

Creating a harmony only nature could conceive


She marvelled at a bluebird perched on a limb

 Its feathers shimmering with a vibrant hymn

\"O\' look, a blue bird!\" she exclaimed with glee

 Immersed in the beauty that only she could see

But then she pointed to a butterfly nearby

\"That\'s a monotonous one,\" she let out a sigh

Even though it didn\'t respond or engage

Her joy remained untouched, free from any cage


For she was content in her solitary stroll Immersed in nature\'s embrace

With the forest as her companion and guide,

She continued her journey with an open heart and wide stride

 And for she knew, deep in her soul, she was never alone

With the world as her stage, she could always sing and be known

And so, she continued her journey along the stream

 With each step, she realized it was not just a dream

 For in the lush forests of green, she\'d always belong

 A girl, walking freely, humming nature\'s song