
The most pregnant event that occurred...

in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

recorded July sixth nineteen sixty
upon birth of she who doggedly

pursued me to the ends of the earth
and what not take no as an answer.


Unbeknownst to yours truly

a baby girl got born

sixty three years from aforementioned date;

she automatically triggered

excited buzzfeeding murmurs

heard amidst the madding crowd

patiently awaiting to secure their eats

at none other than Horn & Hardart

offering their house special,

albeit free of charge;


the grandfather of present day

food service industry company Grubhub
acknowledged storied birth

with roster of special guests such as:

Connie Francis, Eddie Cochran

(the latter came all the way over
from the United Kingdom),
and even then president

Dwight David Eisenhower

made guest appearance.


Meanwhile, about sixty plus miles away

a little boy, (who lived

in Levittown, Pennsylvania)

experienced a fleeting warm gentle caress

identical to soft summer breeze

linkedin to sugar and spice
and everything nice;

he smiled and unknowingly blushed

unaware his destined lifemate

secured courtesy good housekeeping


seal of approval,

which may seem

like an otter outrageous claim,

but mark my words approximately

thirty orbitz around the sun later

would witness his heartthrob

(currently snoozing away on the bed)

pledging to accept first one contra dance

after another until... death due him part.


I ofttimes sat alone

on the concrete steps

at Summit Presbyterian Church

6757 Greene Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119

perusing contents of reading material
unable to focus on the words,

cuz excitement prevailed

to exalt in an evening of pure ecstasy.

The third Thursday each month

at eight o\'clock post meridiem

held special significance

at above named facility,

which constituted kibitizing,

fraternizing, but especially flirting

while contra dancing

usually with no ulterior motive.


Our fate got sealed upon occasion,
when I willingly shared Neptune Salad

(a discontinued product sold at Wawa)

with lass who stood

all of four feet and eleven inches

and sported trademark long thick hair,

whose locks (I dreadfully report

long since got lopped off),

then rivalled those of Rapunzel.


As an introverted generic

long haired pencil necked geeky lad

always awkward in the company of people

(even making small talk),

an eventual comfort to converse arose

with longitudinally challenged referenced gal,

whose buzzfeeding dialogue

indeed jump/kick started

us to exchange tidbits about ourselves,

such as address, age, birthday...

and other general information,

hence bringing to my awareness

regarding special occasion

she made debut appearance

within webbed, wide world.


Said lass subsequently

became dance partner for life
after she found herself with child
we became husband and wife.