

Oh, her presence, a tapestry of delight,

 Where blooms of joy and love forever unite.

Each step she takes, a dance upon life\'s stage,

Unveiling wonders, a poet\'s finest page.


Her laughter, like a choir of cherubs bright,

Scatters mirth and fills the air with light.

Her touch, a gentle breeze upon my cheek,

Awakens dormant dreams, as if to speak.


Her presence, like a sunbeam\'s golden hue,

 Illumines every corner, old and new.


In her embrace, I find solace and peace,

A sanctuary where my worries cease.

So let me bask, immersed in her sweet glow,

 For in her presence, all my fears are laid low.


Oh, wondrous maiden, fairer than the dawn,

With you by my side, life\'s burdens withdrawn.