
A bit of the Universe

A Bit of the Universe 
A part of a floating planet,blue from afar,
Whirling around an yellow star,
Part of a panoply of planets, seven so far,
Called the Solar system in full glare;
Embedded in a galaxy,
Called the Milky Way!
So many galaxies, freewheeling,
All over the Universe also spinning!
Myriad types of stars existing:
Dwarf stars,
Giant stars,
Neutron stars,
Black holes,
Many more unknowns,
Floating on gravitational waves,
Connected by electromagnetic waves,
Dispersal- waves,
Coalescing- matter particles!
Matter in complexity,
Resulting in life forms of variety!
It’s creativity manifest on Earth,
Possibly in other planets conducive for it’s growth!
What magnificent creativity,
With or without a creator in proximity!
We in consciousness floating,
Our brains sentience emanating!
Was there a creator?
Or we self created with complexity and feedback as succour?
Are we waves in an ocean of consciousness,
With complex patterns in abundance,
TIME being the weaver of patterns into matter of substance!
A bit of the Universe am I,
A wavelet of consciousness bye and bye!
A quantum of time,
Dancing to a tune with rhyme!
When the wave with the ocean unifies,
Am but a tiny quantum swallowed by time flowing relentless!