Gary Edward Geraci

“Theopneustos” (God-Breathed)

Holy man, the expression on your face!

While I see only a white wafer round,

It’s no less than Christ that your hands embrace.

In priestly raiment, your sacred Spouse found,

Love swells and is held high; the Father sees

Whom escapes the senses of the earthbound.

This is Jesus! I pray while on my knees,

Here is Jesus! I shout without a sound.


To feel the Victim; Martyr of truth felt;

Granting His presence, Love theopneustic.

With clamor, the congregation knelt,

The Epiclesis breathed the Eucharistic!

Present by grace? no, He Himself dwelt:

Our true God, sensible, and realistic!


Gary Edward Geraci