Richard Martin

5:05 Today by Richard Martin

 5:05 Today               by Richard Martin             141


I ask you to release me from the promise that I made

You said you’re free to go, at 5:05 today

And as the seconds passed, it seemed more like a day

Sweetheart our world ended at 5:05 today


It hurt so bad inside, the pain won’t go away

I knew we’d never recover from 5:05 today

I thought it was all over, I got up to walk away

I knew theirs no returning from 5:05 today


But then you changed your mind, you said the hell I will

You made me a promise and I hold you to it still

You said I won’t release you; I won’t let you walk away

You owe me that promise, please don’t walk away


You said you would try dear, don’t wait another day

The clock is ticking on our world, From 5:05 today

Let’s start our life over, sweetheart let’s start today

Let’s say our love started at 5:05 today