Petrichor of Love

The Song of Love

I am a cascade of moonlit whispers,

Born from celestial realms above.

Nature adorns me as I descend,

To grace her heart and its sacred groves.


I am exquisite petals of desire,

Plucked from passion\'s blossoming bloom.

Woven by dawn\'s enraptured daughter,

To adorn love\'s garden, dispelling gloom.


When tears escape, I serenade the hills,

And laughter dances upon their slopes.

When I bow in reverence and grace,

Flowers rejoice, their hearts a kaleidoscope.


The meadow and clouds unite in love,

With me as their messenger of bliss.

I quench the thirst of parched souls,

Heal wounds with tenderness\'s gentle kiss.


The thunder\'s roar announces my arrival,

A rainbow heralds my gentle farewell.

I\'m like life\'s journey, turbulent and divine,

From chaos\' embrace to death\'s distant knell.


Emerging from the depths of the sea,

I soar on the wings of whispered sighs.

I embrace each field in their time of need,

Caressing flowers and trees, love\'s ally.


I tap gently on windows, a soft caress,

My song of welcome fills the air.

Perceptive souls hear its tender notes,

A symphony of love, beyond compare.


Birthed from passion\'s scorching heat,

Yet, in turn, I cool the fiery blaze.

As woman conquers man with ardor\'s might,

Love\'s strength grows in enigmatic ways.


I am the whispered sigh of oceans,

The laughter that fills enchanted lands.

I am the tears of the heavens above,

Love\'s eternal dance, entwined hands.


So, with love\'s tender embrace,

Sighs echo from affection\'s deep sea.

Laughter paints the canvas of our souls,

And tears flow, memories set free.