
Creation Chorus

Tune: St Timothy

(\'My Father, for another night

= \'O Holy Ghost, thy people bless\')

Psalm 96 v.11-13 and Psalm 98 v.8-9


Let heavens rejoice, let earth be glad

Remain no longer sad

Let seas resound, and all that be

Created by God free


Let fields be jubilant, each thing

In them to the Lord sing

Along with trees of the forest

They sing for joy, God-blest


For He comes for to judge the earth

And give justice, true worth

Let rivers clap their hands, proclaim

The Lord, His holy name


Let mountains all together sing

For joy, and praises bring

To the Lord, sing before Him here

And know His presence near


For He comes to judge the earth sure

The world righteously, pure

And judge people with equity

He great Creator be