sonal monhyung

When will mamma come

All the words come back to home, to live with family and feed the babies their own.

It\'s time for mumma come back to home from the market shining along the road.


The stars are getting ready after the day long , it\'s time for mumma to come back home .


All the clouds vanished their own ,where they fly or getting higher in the sky.

It\'s time for moon to shine in sky, making people stress free and giving a relaxed smile.


Everybody prepare to keep them free from all the job they have in day stream.

It\'s time for children go back to home for they can prepare next day working how much and how long.


I can see all the things beyond me , waiting for mumma to come back to home.


Hours and hours are about to go ,I am sitting alone in my balcony for so long .

Cold air is hitting over my face , playing with my hairs and giving me a peaceful sleep.


Waiting for mumma in balcony alone ,I get the night dream sitting on sofa for so long.


When will mumma come forget about it , I go to my dream with high mountains and peak, this is wonderful when I am child 

Hours and hours go without letting me know about it all .


But also in dream I see ,when will mumma come waiting in streets.