nix :)

In Love With You

The first time I dreamt of us, we were on a date

We were sitting at the park, feeding the ducks at the pond

You leant over and kissed me on the cheek

Before we walked over to your car and you drove me home


The second time, we were on another date

This time at a cafe and we were drinking coffee and hot chocolate

Eating pastries and laughing

You told me you love me, I replied with the same


The third time, we were at my house

We were in my room, talking about everything and nothing

When you left, my mum said “You two are a cute couple”

And I replied with “Shut up” but internally smiled


These were all dreams, though

And I wish they were real

But, sadly, this will never be true

Because I\'m in love with you

But you\'re in love with no one