Fun-filled and furious,
the days of my past
Hot summer sun,
Dreaming how it would last.
Six weeks of wildness,
Untamed and unchecked
Shedding scratchy jumpers,
Ripping ties from our necks.
The lido was home
And the lawn was our kingdom
No thoughts for our future
And the things yet to still come.
Splashing, shouting, bombing the pool.
Watching the TV, singing
“Shootin’ some b-ball outside of school”
But summer turned to autumn,
Leaves into frost
And new thoughts came
About how much it all cost.
And suddenly we are
children no longer
Made to be tougher, braver,
And where you were once
king of the garden
houses are built
and the floor is all hardened.
And life progresses
Through the power of will
But those secret happy thoughts
I remember them still.