
Stuff To Say

Let and allow me to love my country

without denigrating another.

Allow and let me speak freely,

standing, face to face, eye to eye,

to love my country without resorting to Nationalism,

honest and free.

Let me love who ever I wish,

build myself a family my own way,

decide for myself where to live within

these united by a pledge to the Constitution and Bill of Rights,

that are enjoyed and enforced equally,

so say our fore fathers, this is lore of a law,

eventually, God willing, in God we trust,

from One the many, one for all and all for one,

under God, with God\'s blessing, from here to eternity,

one for the money two for the show three to get ready,

three two one we have ignition,

that\'s one small step for man,

one giant leap for mankind,

tear down that wall,

just another brick in the wall,

Mama\'s got a brand new bag,

don\'t look now but I think I\'m seeing Nixon kissing Kissinger,

My Lie, High Pong.