nix :)


I pull you aside, taking you to a private space

“Look,” I say, “I\'m gay and I like you.”

“And I know you probably aren\'t gay

Or share the same feelings

But I just wanted you to know because I can\'t keep doing this.\"


“Wait, actually?\" came your reply

\"I\'ve liked you since we met, all those years ago”

I stare at you, face aghast, as I let the words sink in

When they do, my face lights up with a smile

And my chest fill with excitement

I see your lips start to form a word


But that\'s when I wake up

It takes me a second to realise it was a dream

But when I do, I feel myself crash back down to earth,

My heart shattering into a million and one pieces

I feel the hope and happiness seep from my soul

Only to be replaced with the familiar longing and sadness