Santajah Douglass

She Is Mine

She is tough

She is powerful 

She is undefined 

She is cool and creative 


So quick to judge without looking at yourself and so much time wasted in all the wrong places

So quick to say she has no talent but never showed up to see the packed crowds that surround her

So quick to say she ugly but never knew that she actually was asked to be a model and you see beauty in every shape and form


You think you know her but you don\'t have a clue what she made of  

You think you own her and your wrong and I think you really must be confused

 You think she belong to you boy get a clue I\'m not your property or your slave and I\'m not a dog stop yelling at me like I\'m the one the that need to behave 


She is tough as a stone a very unbreakable rock and she bold  and speaking her mind not a problem so I\'m told

She is powerful like a goddess in her ways with the reputation and strength of a queen and the most amazing enchantress I ever seen

She is undefine when they say there are literally no words to describe this girl they mean there is no definition her anywhere my uniqueness 

She is cool and creative and just overall amazing so your kidding yourself if you think she is your because in case someone forgot to inform 

She Is Mine!