Rohan Regi

Where Do I Go From Here?

Wishing for a fresh start, I landed here

In formal attire, pretending to be clear

My one-page resume has failed to impress

They now ask for more of who I truly am

What more shall I reveal to them?


This common name and degree caused a jam

So, I spun a few lies to make an intro

But it wasn\'t me, just a façade to go

What genuine traits fit this role, I wonder

As I don\'t see myself fitting any mould


More lies flowed as I charted my non-existent plan

With no plan for tomorrow, what do I hold dear?

Those lies grew thin with each passing minute

The wish for a new life turned into a spinet

Just to hear them say, \"We\'ll let you know\"

Left me contemplating, where do I go from here?