Spreading the good news

Can I escape?

It\'s everywhere!

More on certain days. 


No matter what I am listening to it all sounds the same..


Telling me what could go wrong or the latest terminal disease..


Certainly can make a man feel sick!


A carefully crafted subliminal trick?


Bombarding us with good news trash...

Don\'t forget to bring your cash. 


The plan is simple..

The coast is clear!


Poison their bodies Poison their minds block their ears send them blind. 


A sick society killing their soul.


Lead to the slaughter by lies and Deception..


But I am here to speak of connection!

Connection with the creator of all...


Truth teller: beware of the fall. 


Innocent blood to set us free.


He did it for you.

He did it for me. 

He did it for Him...


So should we.


He knows the secrets 

Of the heart. 

He can
