
Presence Promises

Tune: Camberwell

(\'At the name of Jesus\')

Psalm 89 v.11-18


The heavens Lord are yours

Endless, countless stores

The earth is yours also

This we sure of, know

The world and is fulness

You founded, you bless

Hills, mounts, vales, you them made

They firm, solid, staid


Mighty is your arm, strong

Prevails all day long

Judgement, justice, they be

Habitation, see

Of your throne, and mercy

Too with truth shall be

Going before your face

Where you go, each place


Blessed are they who do know

The joyful sound, so

They do praise and worship

You in deed and lip

And such, Lord, they shall walk

In your ways, and talk

Of you, and the light sense

Of your countenance


In your name they shall sure

Rejoice evermore

And in your righteousness

Be exalted, yes

For you are the glory

Of their strength, so be

And in your grace, favour

That strength [on] us confer


For the Lord our defence

Is, and here from hence

He the Holy One is

Of Israel, this

We have an assurance

Unto penitents

You great God o\'er all things 

Unto you all sings