
Whisper of Sensitive Soul

It is both a blessing and a curse,

To feel everything so deeply, immersed,

A heart that beats with overwhelming might,

A soul that dances through the darkest nights.


Like a double-edged sword, it cuts and heals,

Emotions rushing, like swirling ocean swells.

For in joy, a symphony, a heavenly bliss,

But in sorrow, a tempest, a haunting abyss. To taste the sweetness of love\'s tender touch,

Yet bear the weight of heartaches that clutch.

To see beauty in every color and hue,

While also witnessing the pain others go through.


Empathy courses through veins like fire,

Connecting souls, igniting desires.

But it leaves you vulnerable, exposed,

To the depths of despair, where darkness looms close.


In laughter, a melody that echoes in ears,

But tears flow like rivers, overwhelmed by fears.

The world\'s joys and sorrows in your heart reside,

A kaleidoscope of emotions you can\'t hide.


Yet, in this labyrinth of emotions, you find,

A life lived fully, in its every kind.

For the blessing lies in each experience felt,

And the curse, a reminder, of the cards you\'ve been dealt.


So embrace the intensity, the highs and lows,

In feeling deeply, your true self grows.

For it takes courage to navigate the tides,

To savor the blessings, while the curses subside.


For it is in feeling deeply, that you discover,

The richness of life, unlike any other.

A tapestry of emotions, woven with care,

Both a blessing and a curse, but worth the dare.