Phylicia 2023


Love is not an Irony

By: Phylicia Ebanks 


He claimed he has never been truly loved. 

Love to him was just an irony. 

He claimed love has never been honest to him.

He claimed he  would never love again. 

His view of love became myopic .

He was very skeptical about love .

Was he looking for a specific type of love?

Was his quest for love unrealistic?

Did he need to adjust his view of what love truly is?

Oh, love is a beautiful quality.



Was he giving up on love ?

Did he have the wrong viewpoint of love?

Was he searching for love in an invisible corner?

Was he searching for love in a pond?

Was he  restricting his opportunity to find real love?

He needed to search the ocean for love.

Love, Oh Love, do not conceal yourself.

He needs your love .

Love, he needs your love.

Love is not an irony. 

Love is attainable. 

Love is genuine and real.

Love- not an irony.