
One sided love


In shadows cast by moon\'s gentle light,

A tale unfolds, both sweet and contrite,

A saga of hearts, unbalanced and free,

Bound by the chains of one-sided decree.


A solitary soul, a lover\'s lament,

Longing for a touch, affection, intent,

But destiny\'s hand plays a cruel charade,

Leaving one heart to wander, dismayed.


Unrequited whispers, unheard, they fade,

The depths of emotion, in silence, they wade,

One heart beats loudly, while the other remains,

In a realm of indifference, where love wanes.


The admirer\'s gaze, a delicate art,

Memorizing moments, etching them in heart,

But the beloved\'s eyes, they never return,

A symphony of longing, destined to yearn.


Every stolen glance, a treasured treasure,

Unseen by the one who brings love\'s measure,

The giver of affection, a selfless soul,

Revels in a love that remains untold.


Through seasons of hope, and seasons of pain,

The heart persists, though love seems in vain,

For even unrequited, love\'s flame does burn,

A testament to passion, to lessons learned.


In the depths of unreciprocated desire,

Blossoms resilience, love\'s sacred fire,

For one-sided love is a testament rare,

To the depths of our hearts, and the courage we bear.


So let us celebrate these souls, unbowed,

Whose love, unreturned, forever allowed,

For in one-sided love, we find strength anew,

A tribute to hearts that dare to pursue.