It’s Been Raining on Tuesday for the Third Time

Its been raining on Tuesday for three weeks now 

Not three whole weeks

Just on Tuesday for the third time, how?

I won’t ask the weather; he’s not the most social 

Mom says I have to go to the doctor 

when I’d instead find solace in my cozy sheets


I waited in the blistering cold rain for twenty minutes

I hate it when the drops wet my soles

I’m wearing an umbrella, but it’s not much good 

Just brought it so I won’t look weird amongst all these other drenched souls


I go back and forth with my mom over text

About all the possible reasons to why I should not go

“Im tired”, “it’s cold outside,” to trying to compromise with “reserve a next”

All my efforts are futile, as the rain keeps pouring on so


I drag my feet between the puddles

Poor depth perception gives me struggles

I see fine ladies along the way, one or two

As drops rain from the side as the wind blew


It’s a shame the weather had to be so dreadful 

Really could have used some sunlight, 

although I probably wouldn’t have gone out

Just finding another reason to pout


After giving it a second thought, I might actually enjoy its company 

Listening to it drizzle and drop on my window balcony 

I don’t like it soaking me, but who doesn’t like to get a little wet?


The rain showers do much more than just soak

I wonder if it washes up the makeup of some of those 

Full of Make-up and plastic, made-up, hoes

Who don’t have the guts to accept how they look

To the point they have to cut their skin and bone

To make them “desireable” for a bloke


In that way, I guess I do like the rain

We’re all naked, all in shame

Exposing the lies and revealing the truth

Cause “I like the way I am” like Charlie Puth

As rain falls,

I wonder if you’re being tormented by the same drops

That are slowly soaking me wet

As rain falls

I’m looking for commonalities

Reminiscing about the day we first met

From time to time

You’re in my mind

But when you’re mine

We just chime

And I wouldn’t mind wasting my time

If it was you, if you were mine


If it was you, if you were mine

I’d love you like no one else

You’ll never be left cause I’ll love you right

Together, we’ll enjoy the ever-young night


From head to toe

I love every piece of it

Adore your every molecule

Tease me; You’re too cruel

Making a man put down his pride

And making him drool


It’s been raining on a Tuesday for three weeks now

I’m sure most haven’t noticed 

I probably wouldn’t have noticed if I didn’t get soaked the last two times,

This time, with an umbrella, 

yet the drops still manage to trickle on my screen as I’m jotting rhymes

From head to toe

They can say whatever, I’ll love you so

Just let me know…


If it rains next Tuesday