David Wakeling

The unhappy man.

John Smith had a great job working all hours God gave.
He had good wages but wasn’t able to save.
He had a mortgage that would last till the grave.
But still he wasn’t happy.

He had a beautiful wife who slept with other men night and day,
She let herself go because he was living from pay to pay..
She slept all weekend and ate chocolates everyday.
But still he wasn’t happy.

John had three glorious children reaching  their teens,
They were all on drugs and booze and never ate their greens,
 The doctor said they were destroying their livers and their spleens.
But still he wasn’t happy.

He also had a dog who wouldn’t  fetch the mail,
But loved to bark all night when there was a storm or gale.
He had  bad breathe and waddled as slow as a snail.
But still John wasn’t happy.

One day  John tried  hanging himself in the shed,
He used his pyjama cord to hang himself till he was dead.
Luckily the cord broke and he fell onto his head.
But still he wasn’t happy.

I guess you just can’t please some people.