Dev Parth

Serenity Song

In the quiet of a tranquil morn,
Serenity\'s song gently is born.
A melody that floats on gentle breeze,
Caressing the soul with a sense of ease.

Through whispering leaves and rustling trees,
Serenity\'s song brings a calming peace.
A symphony of nature, harmonious and clear,
Guiding the heart to a place without fear.

The sun casts its golden rays upon the land,
As serenity\'s song unfolds, divinely planned.
Birds join in chorus, their melodies unite,
Creating a tapestry of serenity\'s light.

The babbling brook, with its gentle flow,
Sings serenity\'s song as it continues to grow.
Its waters cascade with a soothing sound,
A lullaby of peace that wraps all around.

Mountains stand tall, majestic and grand,
Echoing serenity\'s song across the land.
Their peaks reach high, touching the sky,
Inviting the spirit to soar and fly.

In nature\'s embrace, serenity\'s song thrives,
Nurturing the soul, keeping hope alive.
It whispers of stillness, of moments profound,
A sanctuary where serenity is found.

So let us listen, with open hearts and minds,
To serenity\'s song, as it gently reminds,
That amidst life\'s chaos and tumultuous sea,
Serenity awaits, in nature\'s symphony.