
Monster on my heels

A monster inside, so deep within
Bending the body and mind to its relentless whim
Telling me stories unheard of and disguises them as \"truth\"
About a future destroyed,
Leaving me scared and aloof

The breathless moments it gives me, make me question myself
\"I must be at fault, surely\" tried to fight, but now I relent  
Secretly hoped to be different, as if I could easily contort
But despite my very best efforts, in the end I\'ve come a bit short

The monster doesn\'t play fair, it pulls and pushes me along
Leaving me no chance to go the distance that I so deeply want 
And so it wins every day, an endless race that feels rigged 
If only people I meet would know, that things are not as they might seem

When the weight on my chest takes my whole breath away 
And when it looks as if I don\'t have a lot more left to say
I wish they knew how much I struggle and how strongly I want to live
Without this burden on my shoulders
Without the monster on my heels