
It Landed Here

This is fake, the letters are not real and your eyes

can not see beyond these words,

but I know that Adam\'s atoms and Eve\'s atoms

are in me somewhere, for sure, one or two of his are in my bones,

lower left side, one of the two calf bones, broke them both,

said a prayer, Adam came to help,

so did Napoleon riding an African elephant,

all of them came from somewhere, like it or not,

we all breathe the same air,

I\'m made out of carbon, yippee,

mostly seaweed and fish guts and DNA, that crazy stuff,

speaking of which, Eve\'s single atom that\'s part of me

is in the skin of my lower lip, at least it had been,

before that last kiss,

perfectly placed by God, Her handiwork, by God,

as my Yankee farmer friends would say,

by the hand of God.