Dev Parth

Fleeting Moments

In the blink of an eye, they come and go,
Fleeting moments, like whispers in the flow.
The beauty of life captured in a glance,
Moments that leave us in a mesmerizing trance.

A ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds,
A gentle breeze that rustles the leaves allowed.
The laughter shared with loved ones dear,
Or the tender touch that banishes all fear.

Fleeting moments, like stars in the night,
They shimmer and fade, out of sight.
But their impact lingers, deep within the soul,
Etching memories that make us feel whole.

A stolen kiss beneath the moonlit sky,
A shared smile that speaks without a lie.
The scent of flowers in a summer\'s embrace,
Or the embrace of a loved one\'s warm embrace.

In the rush of life, they may pass us by,
If we don\'t pause to cherish, to truly try.
To savor each moment, both big and small,
For in their passing, we find the worth of all.

Fleeting moments, a reminder to live,
To embrace the present, to fully give.
To treasure each breath, each step we take,
For it\'s in these moments, our souls awake.

So let us cherish the beauty that surrounds,
The fleeting moments where joy abounds.
For in their transience, we find our bliss,
In each fleeting moment, a lifetime\'s worth of bliss.